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Subdivision Assessment Billing
Easy to use & affordable
- Billing, Collection & Reporting -
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Hundreds of Users
Let us guess - You're in charge of billing & collecting the subdivision dues & its been a struggle.
You have come to the right place for help !!!!!
We offer an online system to help you bill and collect those dues.
Sally - Patio Green Subdivision - " was a breeze. I signed up , logged in, and started billing within 15 minutes"
Jane - The Meadows - "What a deal no more hand writing bills"
John - Dove Cove - " I was able to send out late notices to 70 home owners with one click "
Beth - Turtle Creek Subdivision -"I was sick and my manager had all the data online to bill"
Sam - Jenson Corner - " The board loves the new reporting "
What are users saying
They estimate there are over 500,000+ Subdivisions in USA
The leader in Subdivision Assessment Billing & Collection
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